12 research outputs found

    Incentives for Mobile Cloud Environments through P2P Auctions

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    International audienceMobile Cloud Computing is a form of collaborative decentralized Cloud which allows mobile devices to unload computation to a local Cloud formed by mobile and static devices. Mobile Cloud Computing provides a better service to latency sensitive applications, due to its physical proximity to the VM host. However, in these systems, the problem of free riding users becomes more acute, for the heterogeneity of devices (from smartphones to private servers) makes the gap of contributed resources much larger. In this work, we analyze the use of incentives for Mobile Clouds, and propose a new auction system adapted to the high dynamism and heterogeneity of these systems. We compare our solution to other existing auctions systems in a Mobile Cloud use case, and show the suitability of our solution

    Wireless location: A survey about GSM in location techniques

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    Security has become one of the most important fea tures in modern computation, especially due to the point of view of the user. Security issues (like pri vacy or secure use of the application) will be taken into account during the evaluation of the system by the final user. Also, it is an important issue for the developer, due to the reason that the developer should be sure about the correct performance of the system. The purpose of this paper is to offer a deep survey on existent attacks to GSM location adapt ing them from common GSM attacks to location attacks

    Prosthetic Memory: Object Memories and Security for Children

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    Children younger than 3 years old are very special humans, their psychomotor and social development is very fast and parents and relatives would like to know every new detail (when, who, where, what, how and why) in real time. These news are difficult to remember and some kind of diary is needed. Here we propose a “prosthetic memory” based on Digital Object Memories applied to Web of Things using hidden NFC tags in children’s clothes, mobile applications for smartphones and a central server to store the ontologized information

    Interaction control in children using NFC tags

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    Children younger than 3 years old are very special humans, their psychomotor and social development is very fast and parents and relatives would like to know every new detail (when, who, where, what, how and why) in real time. These news are difficult to remember and some kind of diary is needed. Here we propose a “prosthetic memory” based on Digital Object Memories applied to Web of Things using hidden NFC tags in children’s clothes, mobile applications for smartphones and a cen tral server to store the ontologized information

    Microclouds : une approche pour un cloud décentralisé prenant en compte les ressources réseau et efficace en énergie

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    The current datacenter-centralized architecture limits the cloud to the location of the datacenters, generally far from the user. This architecture collides with the latest trend of ubiquity of Cloud computing. Also, current estimated energy usage of data centers and core networks adds up to 3% of the global energy production, while according to latest estimations only 42,3% of the population is connected. In the current work, we focused on two drawbacks of datacenter-centralized Clouds: Energy consumption and poor quality of service. On the one hand, due to its centralized nature, energy consumption in networks is affected by the centralized vision of the Cloud. That is, backbone networks increase their energy consumption in order to connect the clients to the datacenters. On the other hand, distance leads to increased utilization of the broadband Wide Area Network and poor user experience, especially for interactive applications. A distributed approach can provide a better Quality of Experience (QoE) in large urban populations in mobile cloud networks. To do so, the cloud should confine local traffic close to the user, running on the users and network devices. In this work, we propose a novel distributed cloud architecture based on microclouds. Microclouds are dynamically created and allow users to contribute resources from their computers, mobile and network devices to the cloud. This way, they provide a dynamic and scalable system without the need of an extra investment in infrastructure. We also provide a description of a realistic mobile cloud use case, and the adaptation of microclouds on it. Through simulations, we show an overall saving up to 75% of energy consumed in standard centralized clouds with our approach. Also, our results indicate that this architecture is scalable with the number of mobile devices and provide a significantly lower latency than regular datacenter-centralized approaches. Finally, we analyze the use of incentives for Mobile Clouds, and propose a new auction system adapted to the high dynamism and heterogeneity of these systems. We compare our solution to other existing auctions systems in a Mobile Cloud use case, and show the suitability of our solution.L'architecture actuelle du cloud, reposant sur des datacenters centralisés, limite la qualité des services offerts par le cloud du fait de l'éloignement de ces datacenters par rapport aux utilisateurs. En effet, cette architecture est peu adaptée à la tendance actuelle promouvant l'ubiquité du cloud computing. De plus, la consommation énergétique actuelle des data centers, ainsi que du cœur de réseau, représente 3% de la production totale d'énergie, tandis que selon les dernières estimations, seulement 42,3% de la population serait connectée. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à deux inconvénients majeurs des clouds centralisés: la consommation d'énergie ainsi que la faible qualité de service offerte. D'une part, du fait de son architecture centralisée, le cœur de réseau consomme plus d'énergie afin de connecter les utilisateurs aux datacenters. D'autre part, la distance entre les utilisateurs et les datacenters entraîne une utilisation accrue du réseau mondial à large bande, menant à des expériences utilisateurs de faible qualité, particulièrement pour les applications interactives. Une approche semi-centralisée peut offrir une meilleur qualité d'expérience aux utilisateurs urbains dans des réseaux clouds mobiles. Pour ce faire, cette approche confine le traffic local au plus proche de l'utilisateur, tout en maintenant les caractéristiques centralisées s’exécutant sur les équipements réseaux et utilisateurs. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle architecture de cloud distribué, basée sur des "microclouds". Des "microclouds" sont créés de manière dynamique, afin que les ressources utilisateurs provenant de leurs ordinateurs, téléphones ou équipements réseaux puissent être mises à disposition dans le cloud. De ce fait, les microclouds offrent un système dynamique, passant à l'échelle, tout en évitant d’investir dans de nouvelles infrastructures. Nous proposons également un exemple d'utilisation des microclouds sur un cas typique réel. Par simulation, nous montrons que notre approche permet une économie d'énergie pouvant atteindre 75%, comparée à une approche centralisée standard. En outre, nos résultats indiquent que cette architecture passe à l'échelle en terme du nombre d'utilisateurs mobiles, tout en offrant une bien plus faible latence qu'une architecture centralisée. Pour finir, nous analysons comment inciter les utilisateurs à partager leur ressources dans les clouds mobiles et proposons un nouveau mécanisme d'enchère adapté à l'hétérogénéité et la forte dynamicité de ces systèmes. Nous comparons notre solution aux autres mécanismes d’enchère existants dans des cas d'utilisations typiques au sein des clouds mobiles, et montrons la pertinence de notre solution

    GRaNADA: A Network-Aware and Energy-Efficient PaaS Cloud Architecture

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    International audienceCurrent estimated energy usage of data centers and core networks adds up to 3% of the global energy production, while only 42,3% of the population is estimated to be connected. In the last 14 years the number of Internet users has increased tenfold, especially in the period 2010-2014. According to this growing trend, Internet's energy consumption is meant to be a very critical issue in the near future. The emergence of cloud computing represented a major breakthrough in Internet technologies and in reduction of energy consumption. However, due to its centralized nature, this improvement in energy-efficiency has not been reflected in networks' consumption. In this paper, we analyze energy consumption of cloud networks, and present GRaNADA, a semi-decentralized Platform-as-a-Service architecture. Through simulations, we show an overall saving much of the energy consumed in standard centralized clouds with our approach

    Comparative Experimental Analysis of the Quality-of-Service and Energy-Efficiency of VMs and Containers' Consolidation for Cloud Applications

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    International audienceThe consolidation of services is a widely accepted technique for IaaS Cloud providers to reducing energy consumption and improving the utilization of their resources. This technique is based on distributing all services in the minimum amount of servers. This way, the overall energy consumption of the datacenter is reduced, as less servers are needed to be active. Traditionally, research has focused on strategies for consolidation of Virtual Machines (VMs), but containers are changing the landscape of Cloud services. Containers are expected to optimize the consolidation of services by reducing the amount of needed resources, thus allocating more services using less servers. However, while multiple research works have been produced in the Energy Efficiency (EE) achieved through consolidation of VMs, there is yet no experimental work on how consolidation of containers affects EE, when assuming a given Quality-of-Service (QoS) to the user. In this paper we show an experimental analysis on the effects of consolidation of containers in the QoS and EE, compared to the consolidation of VMs. We demonstrate that the consolidation of containers is indeed more optimal than the one of VMs, both in terms of QoS and EE. Consecutively, we analyze how the degradation of the service is produced both in QoS and EE, and we show how QoS is the variable which is more affected by consolidation. This work provides the necessary scientific background on consolidation of two widely used virtualization technologies, and we believe it is useful for future works on the optimization of resources in datacenters

    A proposal on an energy-saving policy on context based system

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    During the last decade, technology has created a new field in software development, known as pervasive computing, thank lo the improvement and extension of integrated sensors. These sensors have been successfully integrated in the daily-life of the common user, using devices like mobile phones. Those new hardware improvements gave the common developer the chance to generate new and more complete applications, which interact with the user's life with a minimum effort. However, it also meant an extra consumption of device's resources, which is translated into a extra energy consumption. The contribution of this work is to propose a new policy for energy saving applications in the framework of context­aware systems. The expected energy saving achieved through this police means to be significant both in the perception of the duration of the battery by the user and reducing the impact of these devices in the environment

    A Context-Oriented System For Mobile Devices

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    Our work provides developers of context-based application for mobile devices a framework for developing comprehensive and adaptable solutions that can interacts each other through a set of functionalities and interaction methods for building secure applications easily. On the other hand, our work provides a platform to reduce the energy consumption of the devices; due to the reuse of functionalities. To do this, we have designed a layered architecture that allows interaction between applications and context­ oriented services transparently to users. The main layer of our architecture (Core layer) provides a tool that allows communication between adjacent layers. More over, using our architecture, developers can design context-based applications in a simpler way, a very important goal in order to increasing number and functionalities of this kind of applications on mobile devices. Furthermore, our architecture allows the reuse ofknowledge between developers. During our work, OSGi technology has been used in mobile phones, cutting-edge research in the field

    La adopción de los percentiles de riesgo cardiovascular evita la sobreestimación o inrfaestimación del riesgocardiovascular calculado con el SCORE

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    Fundamento: La evaluación del riesgo cardiovascular es de máxima importancia para un correcto tratamiento de pacientes con riesgo. Hay varias ecuaciones de riesgo que pueden ser adaptadas a una población para evitar la sobre o infraestimación del riesgo. Se proponen a los percentiles de riesgo como un nuevo método para adaptar los sistemas de valoración del riesgo a nuestra población. Métodos: Se ha realizado un estudio transversal de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en Palencia (ERVPA: Estudio de Riesgo Vascular en PAlencia). Se han registrado las variables edad, sexo, tabaquismo, tensión arterial, diabetes y colesterolemia. Se han estudiado 514 sujetos entre 20 y 79 años procedentes de 9 centros de salud del área sanitaria. Se ha calculado el riesgo cardiovascular fatal según las ecuaciones del proyecto SCORE. Se han calculado y comparado los percentiles obtenidos con cada ecuación, mediante el cálculo de los coeficientes de Spearman y kappa. Resultados: Los porcentajes de sujetos con riesgo alto varían entre el 0% en jóvenes hasta el 92% en los varones y el 67% en las mujeres mayores de 70 años. El coeficiente kappa entre las ecuaciones para países de bajo y alto riesgo es de 0.741. Dicha concordancia varía de forma importante según el sexo y la edad. La concordancia entre los percentiles es casi total. Conclusiones: Los percentiles de riesgo es un método de evaluación del riesgo que permite adaptar cualquier ecuación a una población particular evitando la sobre o infraestimación del riesgo y permiten extrapolar el riesgo a cualquier edad